The NYF Supports

Youth Development and Youth Action
The NYF aims to support initiatives that address the needs of youths, provide opportunities for personal development, and inspire positive change in Singapore.
Youth Programmes and Capability Development (YPCD) – Projects that contribute towards youth leadership development, development of various youth segments aligned with focus areas such as Jobs and Future of Work, Mentoring, Youth Mental Wellbeing, Support for Vulnerable Groups. Capability development projects that create resources to benefit youths and youth-related programmes, or uplift and develop capability of other youth sector organisations with the sharing of knowledge and resources.
Research – Projects that deepen the understanding of salient youth issues or trends. This could include:
i.   Emerging trends that would inform NYC and/ or other youth sector practitioners in programme planning;
ii.  Programme evaluation of programme models, and recommendations for good practices to be scaled-up; or
iii. Observation studies which could be contextualised and pilot-tested in Singapore.
Youth Leadership Development (YLD) – Outstanding youth leaders who wish to pursue training and development in reputable local and international platforms with the intent of leading community projects/initiatives or starting new positive social movements.
If you're keen to find out more about NYF, look here for more details!


Interested youths/ organisations may submit your applications online via the OurSG Grants portal. Individuals can access the portal using your SingPass, while organisations can access using CorpPass. For a successful and smooth submission of application, please ensure that your SingPass/ CorpPass account is ready before applying.
Applications for the NYF YPCD grant will only be accepted during the thematic partnership grant call periods provided they fall within the specified themes and will be evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Applications for the NYF YLD and Research grants are open throughout the year.
Please note that all application documents must be submitted at least 2 months before the start of your project.

NYF Youth Programmes and Capability Development (YPCD)

NYF YPCD is on a thematic grant call basis. Youth Sector Organisations which have (i) prior experiences engaging youths (15 to 35 years old), and (ii) with an ability to reach at least 100 youths per year, in the Jobs and Future of Work theme, specifically in mentoring, career discovery and exploration, may reach out to us at 

Projects which relate to other themes may look out for the grant call toward the end of 2024.

Outcomes Measurement

NYC has developed an Outcomes Measurement Toolkit aimed at helping grant recipients of the NYF measure the effectiveness of their programmes in achieving youth outcomes.

Organisations applying for the NYF YPCD grant and requesting for/ awarded a grant of more than $5,000 will be required to measure and report the impact of their programmes using NYC’s youth development outcomes. Applicants will be required to select relevant youth development outcomes and indicators using the NYF Outcomes Survey Generator, and submit it via the OurSG Grants portal with the grant application. You may refer to the guide in the downloads section for instructions on using the toolkit.

Applicants requesting for a grant of over $50,000 are also required to submit a programme Logic Model, via the OurSG Grants portal.

Documents for download

Grant Scheme

For Application:
1. NYF Outcomes Measurement Toolkit (this includes a guide to developing a programme logic model)
2. NYF Outcome Survey Generator (please complete this survey to generate the outcomes and indicators to be tracked for your NYF YPCD grant submission)

NYF Application Template:
1. Proposal Template
2. Budget Template
3. Endorsement Letter
4. Bank Details Form

For Closure/Claims:
1. NYF Youth Programmes/Capability Development Progress Report for multi-year projects with more than 2 disbursement tranches
2. NYF Youth Programmes/Capability Development Final Report
3. Endorsed Statement of Accounts (for projects awarded grant of up to $50k)/ Endorsed Financial Statements for Project audited by Public Accountant (for projects with a grant of above $50k)
4. NYF List of Youth Leaders and Participants (for projects with Letters of Award dated on and before 31 March 2023)
5. NYF List of Youth Leaders and Participants (for projects with Letters of Award dated from 1 April 2023; Excel Format or Google Form)

NYF YLD (All year-round application)
For Closure/Claims:
1. NYF Youth Leadership Development (YLD) Report
2. Statement of Accounts

NYF Research (All year-round application)
For Closure/Claims:
1. Project Report (including sample and methods, results and findings, policy and practice implications)
2. Statement of Accounts


For general enquiries on the NYF, you may contact our Partnership Managers at

We look forward to receiving your applications and working with you!